New Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez has big shoes to fill after his two predecessors were forced to resign in disgrace after being exposed for, among other things, intentionally rigging their party's national primary process and sharing debate questions with chosen candidates days before debates were held.
And, at least with his rhetoric, Perez seems up for the task. In speaking with a group of immigrants at a rally outside the White House yesterday, Perez, who switched back and forth between English and Spanish, vowed that "no human being is illegal."
“No human being is illegal, we must treat everyone with dignity. And we will do that when we vote."
GreenPartyFL: RT Truthdig: The president of the #DNC, Tom Perez, speaks at Immigrants' and Workers' March in front…
— Pasco Revolution (@PascoRevolution)
So does this mean that we can violate any federal law we want and then retroactively declare that law null and void thus erasing our crime? Or, is Tom Perez and/or the DNC the only folks vested with such power?
Of course, Perez, who served in the Obama administration as the United States Secretary of Labor and Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, wasn't done and went on to whip his crowd into a frenzy by refusing to mention Trump by name.
"Our most important power is not the mister in the White House, I can’t even mention his name, the power is with all of you."
"We will be fighting for racial justice, economic justice, and moral justice."
DNC Chair Tom Perez on Trump: "I can't even mention his name" #MayDay2017
— Ellison Barber (@ellisonbarber)
Why do we get the sneaking suspicion that Perez will soon be passing debate questions to whichever Hispanic candidate decides to run in the 2020 Democratic primaries?