Moments after an exchange between Trump and a reporter during a White House press conference, in which the president refused to publicly state if the "Comey tapes" exist - while insinuating that they do - and that Trump will reveal an answer shortly...
Reporter: "And you seem to be hinting that there are recordings of those conversations.
Trump: "I'm not hinting anything. I'll tell you about it over a very short period of time....Oh, you're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer. Don't worry."
... the House Intel Committee formally requested that the White House produce any tapes (or memos) of such a conversation - if they in fact exist - and that Trump hand them over within two weeks.
House Intel Cmte tells the White House to hand over the tapes by June 23—if they exist.
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur)
Full statement from the House Intel Committee:
HPSCI Russia Investigation Notification on Letters to Comey and White House
Washington, DC — Today, Reps. Mike Conaway and Adam Schiff announced that they sent two letters related to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Russia Investigation.
First, the Committee wrote to former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey to request any notes or memoranda in his possession memorializing Comey to request any notes or memoranda in his possession memorializing discussions Comey had with President Trump.
Second, the Committee wrote a letter to White House Counsel Don McGahn, requesting that he inform the Committee whether any White House recordings or memoranda of Comey's conversations with President Trump now exist or have in the past. To the extent they exist now, the Committee's letter asks that copies of such materials be produced to the Committee by June 23.
And so the drama between Trump and Comey, which appeared to be on its way out, just got a fresh lease on life, with Friday, June 23 now set to be the next media frenzy day.