Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk,
Fearmongering about "no deal" is at a fever pitch. Such talk is useless and laughable.
It Must Be Serious
The lie of the day award goes to Jean-Claude Juncker, the outgoing European Commission president who once famously stated, "When it becomes serious, you have to lie."
On Saturday, Juncker warned the British Will be the 'big losers' in a No Deal Brexit.
“If it comes to a hard Brexit, this is in no one's interest, but the British would be the big losers.
They pretend it's not like that, but it will be,” he said in an interview with an Austrian newspaper, which was published on Saturday.“We are at maximum preparation, though some British authorities say we are not well prepared for a no-deal. But I do not participate in this summer game. We are prepared and I hope the British are too,” he said.
Big Losers? Maximum Preparation?
Who the hell does does Juncker think he is fooling?
Neither side is fully prepared at the moment, but both sides have until October 31 to prepare for No Deal.
Things are truly serious when Juncker steps up to the plate with a pair of obvious fearmongering lies.
The notion the "British will be the big loser" shows just how desperate the setup is.
Those who disagree may wish to consider Eight Reasons the EU Will Suffer Far More Than UK in Brexit.
Rapid Rebuttal Unit
To counteract fearmongering, Michael Gove, Cabinet Office Boss for Boris Johnson, takes on Brexit fake news with a Rapid Rebuttal Unit to Quash No-Deal 'Myths and Half-Truths'.
The new Response Unit will be run by civil servants in the Cabinet Office and will ensure that "the public and businesses are not being alarmed by scare stories or falsehoods ", The Sunday Telegraph can disclose. Senior Government figures are known to have become frustrated over the anti-no deal stories aired by the BBC in recent days, notably one about cows being slaughtered in Northern Ireland after a no deal exit.
Last week BBC2's Newsnight programme reported that 45,000 dairy cows could be culled in Northern Ireland, in the event of a no-deal Brexit if new higher tariffs were applied to British milk despite Defra saying that a cull is "absolutely not something that the government anticipates nor is planning for in the event of no-deal".
Ministers are concerned that some stories in the media that exaggerate concerns about a no-deal will needlessly encourage members of the public to stockpile goods.
C'est la Bullsh**
In related Brexit fearmongering, please consider No-Deal Lorry Mayhem at Dover and Calais? 'C'est la Bullsh**' Replies French Ports Chief.
The head of the French channel ports has dismissed warnings of Brexit chaos on the Dover-Calais trade route as irresponsible scare-mongering by political agitators.
"The British authorities have been doing a great deal to prepare. People say they are asleep but I can assure you that they are highly professional and they are ready," said Jean-Marc Puissesseau, president of Port Boulogne Calais.
"There are certain individuals in the UK who are whipping up this catastrophism for their own reasons. This has provoked a lot of concern but basically ‘c’est la bullsh**’. Nothing is going to happen the day after Brexit," he told The Telegraph.
"Britain will be a third country, that's all, and there is no reason why this should lead to any problems. If both sides do their homework traffic will be completely fluid," he said.
Puissesseau said that no one was prepared in March, but everyone is prepared now.
"I have just received a delegation of Polish hauliers - and they are the most important in Europe - and I can tell you that they are perfectly up to speed on everything that has to be done," said Puissesseau while also insisting freight transport in a WTO-Brexit are not as complicated as critics claim.
Roughly 30 percent of the lorries from Dover to Calais currently travel empty (a sign of serious imbalances in the UK’s bilateral trade relationship with the EU). “They will go straight to the green line and won’t need any clearance. Another 60 percent of the does not carry material that needs to be checked,” he said.
Loose Ends
There are many loose ends that need to be addressed, so despite Juncker's claim, no one is fully prepared.
No one will be fully prepared on October 31 either.
But now that Brexit reality has sunk in, there is plenty of time to tie up most of the significant loose ends.
Expect Cooperation
It is to the advantage of both the UK and the EU to cooperate, so expect cooperation.