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UPDATE: Now the CEO of the ADL is thanking Polgreen for changing the offensive 'Goy Bye' headline (sigh).
Glad you changed the headline.Not sure your intent, but strikes me as poor taste at best, very offensive at worst.
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL)
UPDATE: John Podhoretz calls out Polgreen for publishing the headline.
Hey @lpolgreen you do realize that Bannon headline is a) witless, b) stupid and c) offensive, right?
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz)
Is it possible that I am dreaming or did Sam Levine from Huffpost really post this?
It looks like he felt a little bad about being so insulting to us goys and changed it to a much more appropriate headline.
Ah, there, feel better now?
Correction: I originally reported Sam was the villain for posting that derogatory headline, when in fact he merely posted the White one. The author of the title was Chloe Angyal. Let's keep the cycle of hate going, folks. Good stuff.
— Chloe Angyal (@ChloeAngyal)
Here's the editor of Huffpost, Lydia Polgreen (I have no idea what gender that is) proudly displaying the headline.
— Lydia Polgreen (@lpolgreen)