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Charlottesville's DA, Warner D. "Dave" Chapman, is making an example of Cantwell, denying the 'crying nazi' bail for partaking in violence against members of ANTIFA in the Charlottesville fiasco.
The Albermarle County General District said Cantwell could reapply for a bond hearing after his next scheduled court day on October 12th.
He's facing two charges of 'illegal use of tear gas' and one charge of 'malicious bodily injury' by way of caustic substance.
Here's a nice video showing a seemingly immature and doltish Cantwell before and after Charlottesville.
Denying bail for a pepper spray attack seems beyond absurd. However, anyone with insight into the legal system in this country knows that justice isn't blind, but vindictive and usually done with malice.
Let this be a warning to future nazis out there.