Just yesterday we revealed a fraudulent scheme by a young democrat to re-register dead voters in his critical home swing state of Virginia (see "Meet The Young Virginia Democrat That Registered 19 Dead People To Vote In Virginia"). Of course, House Minority Leader David Toscano (D-Charlottesville) said the whole thing was much ado about nothing and shamelessly pivoted to blame Republicans for constantly trying to suppress voter turnout.
“First of all, there was no voter fraud — they caught him. Nobody cast a vote. . . . There’s still no evidence of that going on in the state. But there is evidence every time you turn around that the Republicans are trying to make it more difficult for citizens to vote in elections.”
Really? Guess we can officially add "necrophobia" to the growing list of alleged Republican fears that results in their pervasive suppression of voters based on everything from race to income, sexual orientation and now, mortality.
But, even though democrats are not concerned over a fraudulent attempt to register dead voters in Virginia, per the Tampa Bay Times, they're absolutely outraged over efforts to register living voters at a Chick-fil-A in Florida. Susan McGrath, leader of the Stonewall Democrats and head of the Pinellas Democratic Party, wrote about her outrage in a letter to Supervisor of Elections, Deborah Clark, calling the voter registration drives at the restaurant “inherently unfair” and “overtly partisan.”
“As an elected official, you have a duty to be evenhanded and fair. Surely, you and your office staff do understand that using Chick-Fil-A as the base for voter registration activities is not only inherently unfair but overtly partisan as well. This company has a strong and well-understood history of anti-LGBT activism and is publicly associated with Republican Party values.”
"While some Democrats may occasionally dine at Chick-fil-A (and perhaps even members of the LGBT community), the coordination of Pinellas voter registration activities with this right-leaning business very clearly conveys that your office is targeting Republican-leaning voters."
Meanwhile, per SaintPetersBlog, Nick DiCeglie, chairman of the Pinellas County Republican Party, points out that McGrath apparently had no problem with a voter registration drive held earlier in the summer at a gay PRIDE parade.
"The hypocrisy coming out of Susan McGrath’s mouth is astounding. Did any Republican groups come out against the Supervisor of Elections holding a voter registration drive at the PRIDE Festival this summer? If Susan really cared about democracy, she would have no problem with the SOE holding voter registration drives ANYWHERE.”
Will the madness never end?