Yesterday, the Twittersphere lit up when Julie Davis of the New York Times sent out a tweet suggesting that Trump's personal attorney, Marc Kasowitz, had potentially made a serious blunder in mixing up his timeline of when Comey first leaked details of his meetings with Trump to the Times.
Here is what Kasowitz said yesterday:
Although Mr. Comey testified he only leaked the memos in response to a tweet, the public record reveals that the New York Times was quoting from these memos the day before the referenced tweet, which belies Mr. Comey's excuse for this unauthorized disclosure of privileged information and appears to entirely retaliatory.
Davis, and most of the media, assumed that Kasowitz was referring to an article published on May 16th by the New York Times entitled "Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation."
Kasowitz is mistaken re NYT stories on Comey memos. We never quoted memos prior to Trump's 5/12 tweet re tapes; 1st story doing so was 5/16
— Julie Davis (@juliehdavis)
Of course, given that Trump's tweet about the Comey tapes was sent 4 days prior, it couldn't have possibly been triggered by the the NYT's May 16th story, as Kasowitz suggested, which led Ms. Davis of the Times to publish her 'gotcha' tweet.
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Unfortunately for Davis and the New York Times, Kasowitz has just released a clarifying statement which points out that he was never referring to the May 16th article in his statement yesterday, but rather an article published on May 11, the day before Trump's tweet, entitled "In a Private Dinner, Trump Demanded Loyalty. Comey Demurred," which seems to discuss, in detail, the same facts presented in Comey's now infamous memos. Here is the full statement from Kasowitz:
Statement of Marc Kasowitz, Attorney to President Donald J. Trump:
Numerous press stories have misreported that our statement yesterday incorrectly claimed that the New York Times was reporting details from Mr Comey's memos the day before President Trump's May 12, 2017 Tweet because, according to these reports, the first New York Times story to mention the memos specifically was May 16, 2017, which was after the Tweet.
Our statement was accurate and was not referring to the May 16, 2017 story.
Rather, Mr. Comey's written statement, which he testified he prepared from his written memo, describes the details of the January dinner in virtually verbatim language as the New York Times May 11, 2017 story describing the same dinner.
That story was the day before President Trump's Tweet.
It is obvious that whomever was the source for the May 11, 2017 New York Times story got that information from the memos or from someone reading or who had read the memos.
This makes clear, as our statement said, that Mr Comey incorrectly testified that he never leaked the contents of the memo or details of the dinner before President Trump's May '12. 2017 Tweet.
Trump lawyer Mark Kasowitz issues new statement, saying statement yesterday "was accurate."
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs)
Meanwhile, a quick review of the New York Times' May 11 story does seem to suggest that Kasowitz has a point as the language describing Trump's January dinner with Comey is almost identical to the testimony he presented to Congress yesterday. Therefore, whoever supplied this 'leak' to the NYT's was either in possession of Comey's memos or had been read them verbatim shortly before they were relayed to the Times.
WASHINGTON — Only seven days after Donald J. Trump was sworn in as president, James B. Comey has told associates, the F.B.I. director was summoned to the White House for a one-on-one dinner with the new commander in chief.
The conversation that night in January, Mr. Comey now believes, was a harbinger of his downfall this week as head of the F.B.I., according to two people who have heard his account of the dinner.
As they ate, the president and Mr. Comey made small talk about the election and the crowd sizes at Mr. Trump’s rallies. The president then turned the conversation to whether Mr. Comey would pledge his loyalty to him.
Mr. Comey declined to make that pledge. Instead, Mr. Comey has recounted to others, he told Mr. Trump that he would always be honest with him, but that he was not “reliable” in the conventional political sense.
The White House says this account is not correct. And Mr. Trump, in an interview on Thursday with NBC, described a far different dinner conversation with Mr. Comey in which the director asked to have the meeting and the question of loyalty never came up. It was not clear whether he was talking about the same meal, but they are believed to have had only one dinner together.
By Mr. Comey’s account, his answer to Mr. Trump’s initial question apparently did not satisfy the president, the associates said. Later in the dinner, Mr. Trump again said to Mr. Comey that he needed his loyalty.
Mr. Comey again replied that he would give him “honesty” and did not pledge his loyalty, according to the account of the conversation.
But Mr. Trump pressed him on whether it would be “honest loyalty.”
“You will have that,” Mr. Comey told his associates he responded.
Of course, this would seem to directly contradict Comey's testimony yesterday that he had his "very good friend from Columbia Law School" leak information to the New York Times, for the very first time, after he "woke up in the middle of the night" on Monday, May 15th.
#Comey woken up in "middle of night" with need to share --and document-- his conversations with President Trump with the public. #PBSNEWS
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour)