President Trump is a busy man. While vulturous media opportunists on the left spew outrageous propaganda at America's hoard of primal screaming "never-wrongs" who can't even fathom why they lost the election, Trump has moved with lightning speed to shock n' awe the world with massive progress on a ton of campaign promises.
Let's review; since Friday the President has begun dismantling Obamacare, nix'd the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and announced changes to NAFTA, frozen Federal hiring (with the exception of national security), revived the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline (much safer than Buffet's rails), re-authorized the Dakota Access Pipeline project, cut US taxpayer funding to abortion-friendly foreign NGO's, begun the process to de-fund the UN, restricted immigration and travel from 7 terrorist-harboring countries, and secured commitments from companies around the world to create or save tens of thousands of US jobs. What am I forgetting?
Oh right - the wall!
Per the Daily News:
In an interview with ABC News, Trump said construction on the wall would start within months, and that Mexico would reimburse the U.S. “100%” of the costs.
While current Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has responded in an adult manner, refusing to pay and demanding respect - former President Vicente Fox is a bit riled up...
Sean Spicer, I've said this to @realDonaldTrump and now I'll tell you: Mexico is not going to pay for that fucking wall. #FuckingWall
— Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue)
Fox first dropped this particular F-bomb in February of 2016 on live TV with Maria Bartiromo:
Fox's Twitter feed is full of anti-Trump tirades using colorful language. It reads like a drunk Mexican Chelsea Handler took over the account. The man is obsessed with Donald Trump - maybe even more so than Megyn Kelly!
#trump grow up,behave like a president.Stop lying and cheating American know you lost popular vote.
— Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue)
Today over 500K women united in a single heartbeat. Yesterday, you couldn't even summon half of it. This was clear all over the world.
— Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue)
Trump, not a country no leader will respect you because you don't even take yourself seriously.
— Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue)
Today we turn into an era of uncertainty. If Donald the Unready doesn't learn to behave, the rest of the world needs to come together.
— Vicente Fox Quesada (@VicenteFoxQue)
Sorry Vicente, that's not how it's gonna work...
Mexican Prez says Mexico won't pay for wall - altho tariffs, border taxes, other methods wld mean Mexicans pay, be beyond his control
— Erin Burnett (@ErinBurnett)
"Other means" includes using the sweeping powers granted in Patriot Act to prevent any alien from wiring money outside of the United States unless they prove they're legally on US soil.
Not only that, Paul Ryan says Congress will front the money for the wall, estimated between $8 and $14 Billion dollars:
Ryan says U.S. House will put up funds to build Mexico border wall: MSNBC interview
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters)
The wall is going up, and there's nothing Vicente Fox can do about it no matter how obsessed he is with Donald Trump.
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