Just days after Anthony Scaramucci replaced Sean Spicer as the White House's Comms director, the former SkyBridge Capital president, who is still finalizing the sale of his stake in the FoF business to China's scandal-ridden, money laundering HNA (at what reports allege was a greatly overinflated acquisition price), the Mooch immediately teleported himself to the front page of every political, financial and gossip magazine courtesy of his now infamous New York Magazine telephonic meltdown, in which he slammed Reince Priebus as a "fucking paranoid schizophrenic" and Steve Bannon as a "cocksucker," and who effectively catalyzed Trump's decision to fire Priebus on Friday afternoon.
And then, the "peak news" cherry on top hit when the Post reported that Scaramucci's 38-year-old wife Deidre, who had grown tired of his "naked ambition", and had filed for divorce "after three years of marriage after getting fed up with his ruthless quest to get close to President Trump, whom she despises."News of his divorce has so far prompted at least two reactions from the new White House's communications chief.
On Friday afternoon, Scaramucci asked media outlets to leave his family out of coverage of him and the Trump administration. "Leave civilians out of this. I can take the hits, but I would ask that you would put my family in your thoughts and prayers & nothing more," he tweeted.
Leave civilians out of this. I can take the hits, but I would ask that you would put my family in your thoughts and prayers & nothing more.
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci)
Then, in an ironic twist, the man who made a 30-second delay obligatory when listening to White House briefings, said media coverage of the news will reveal "who in the media has class and who doesn't."
Family does not need to be drawn into this. Soon we will learn who in the media has class and who doesn't. No further comments on this.
— Anthony Scaramucci (@Scaramucci)
"No further comments on this," he added, although somehow we doubt it.
Meanwhile, the Daily News reported that while Scaramucci looked like a "pottymouthed madman" during his first week as White House communications director, he keeps a level head when it comes to divorce. At least, that's what his matrimonial lawyer Leonard Sperber said when asked about reports on Friday that the Mooch’s second marriage was ending. Sperber represented Scaramucci in his 2011 divorce from his first wife.
“He was always calm and rational in the handling of his first divorce, which is perhaps the most sensitive, personal matter an individual can endure,” Sperber said in a statement to the Daily News. The Long Island attorney provided the statement after getting pre-authorization to give a comment.
Sperber described Scaramucci as having “incredible knowledge of policy, history and economics, amongst other topics.” “His memory is remarkable and, in my opinion, he has a photographic or near photographic memory,” said Sperber, who declined to say if Scaramucci had retained his services again.
It was unclear if Sperber was being paid for the infomercial. The NY Daily News also added that Deidre Ball, his second wife who filed for divorce, once worked as an executive at Scaramucci’s SkyBridge Capital. She could not be reached for comment.