Michael Moore, the ultra-liberal documentary filmmaker who infamously predicted a Trump victory well before election night last November by stunningly calling Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania for the Republican nominee, has, over the past 24 hours, decided to broadcast his latest nervous breakdown over Twitter for all to see.
It all started with the following tweet storm posted by Moore in the wee hours of the morning saying that, among other things, "Flynn DID NOT make that Russian call on his own" but rather "was INSTRUCTED to do so." Moore went on to insist that Flynn was just the first of several senior Trump advisors that would inevitably be fired and predicted that "Miller & Bannon" would be next before calling on Trump himself to "Resign by morning!"
Hey @realDonaldTrump-1hr after Obama put sanctions on Russia YOU told Flynn 2 call them & promise em it'll be OK. Traitor!Resign by morning!
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint)
He's only first to go. One by one they will drop until the so-called president is told "you're fired." Up next, Miller & Bannon.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint)
Flynn was colluding w/ a foreign gov't accused of helping throw the election 2 Trump,promising them they would be taken care of. Arrest him.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint)
Let's be VERY clear: Flynn DID NOT make that Russian call on his own. He was INSTRUCTED to do so.He was TOLD to reassure them. Arrest Trump.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint)
And, lest you thought he was just joking and/or slept off his temporary "mental incapacitation" and decided to move on with his life, Moore just lit up the Twittersphere again this afternoon asking Trump "What part of "vacate you Russian traitor" don't you understand?" while threatening that "We can do this the easy way (you resign), or the hard way (impeachment)."
Um, @realDonaldTrump -- It's now noontime in DC & it appears you are still squatting in our Oval Office. I gave u til this morning to leave.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint)
What part of "vacate you Russian traitor" don't you understand? We can do this the easy way (you resign), or the hard way (impeachment).
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint)
But, while we certainly respect his November prognostication and admire his tenacity, we suspect his calls for a Trump resignation may be premature...just a hunch.