We noted yesterday that
As MishTalk.com's Mike Shedlock notes, numerous sites keep posting stats that claim a majority in Catalonia want a vote but do not support independence. I have stated those polls are old and likely wrong thanks to the pitiful tactics of prime minister Mariano Rajoy.A new last-minute poll suggests I have this correct.
Please consider Huge upsurge in support for independence is revealed in world exclusive final Catalan poll.
A SENSATIONAL new poll which The National is publishing on the eve of the Catalan independence referendum shows an upsurge in support for independence that varies dramatically depending on whether or not Spain’s central government boycotts the vote.
The telephone poll was carried out over the last three weeks and completed on Thursday, but the results could not be published in Catalonia. They were released to The National yesterday.
Two scenarios were put to a sample of nearly 3300 voters: “With the current situation in Catalonia, with Spanish government and main Spanish political parties calling for a boycott of the referendum,” and “a referendum agreed with the Spanish authorities”.
Jordi Sanchez, president of the Catalan National Congress, welcomed the results and told The National: “This poll confirms there’s a majority of people that want to vote and will vote, and this can’t be stopped by any police or state of emergency.
Ok Rajoy, what are you going to do?
If there is a vote, the expected results are pretty clear.
The Spanish government claims most of the polling places are closed?
The Catalonia government says the vote will take place and millions will show up.
Which side is correct?
We will find out within hours. Voting day has arrived in Spain.