Charlie Gasparino, the Fox Business News senior correspondent who told the market to calm it's tits before the election over a Trump presidency, made a really interesting post on Facebook yesterday about two tales of Inaugural altercations. One involved Gasparino and fellow Trump supporter Scott Baio being attacked by a couple of rioting snowflakes, and the other involving the President's top counselor Kellyanne Conway!
Let me get this straight... Conway charged into a fight between two guys and started punching one of them? Just when I thought she couldn't get any more formidable, Kellyanne reveals herself to be a straight up brawler. That man in the picture above, George Conway III, has been married to Kellyanne for 16 years and they have 4 kids together. George is also a really smart dude. After earning his law degree from Yale (where he was the editor of the Yale Law Journal), he joined prestigious Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz law firm and made partner 6 years later - kicking legal ass up to and including in front of the Supreme Court. My guess is he's quite the force of nature. And, something tells me he's smart enough to slip away into the garage and rearrange the Christmas storage when Kellyanne is pissed.
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