Ask any Arizonan whether their summers are more tolerable because "it's a dry heat" and you're likely to be asked to turn your oven to 150 degrees, stick your head inside for 20 minutes and report back as to whether or not the humidity within the oven ever crossed you mind. Probably not.
And while Arizonans have learned to cope with the "dry heat," this summer has been particularly brutal for people living in the Southwest as temperatures have already soared to over 120 degrees in certain areas.
What's worse, it's only June.And while the heatwave may not be that fun for the people living through it, it does making for some amazing pictures of stuff melting.
Perhaps that plastic mailbox post wasn't such a great idea in retrospect.
On the bright side, you can get all your baking done outside in mother nature's free oven.
"arizona isn't that hot"
— antonihoe (@confuzzledteen3)
Plastic fences...also not a great idea. Come on're better than this.
Meanwhile, this Tempe resident (undoubtedly an ASU student judging by all the cheap alcoholic beverages) was just trying to do his part to fight climate change by recycling his beer seems that ManBearPig won this round.
Breakfast is served...
You already know whats going on in Arizona
— ? ??c??d? ? (@Finessegawd3000)
Meanwhile, even the road signs are melting down...
...which is going to make it even harder for this guy to get around town...
Al Gore is going to have a field day with these pics.