American Psycho author Brett Easton Ellis launched into a twitter rant over the weekend about Hollywood’s liberal intolerance of any viewpoints that can vaguely be considered pro-Trump, complaining that he’s “done” discussing politics at industry dinners because it creates “too much insanity.”
In a series of tweets, Ellis said he was called a "Trump apologist" and accused of colluding with Russia while leaving the Sunset Tower Hotel in Los Angeles.
Ellis — who has been open about his thoughts on Hollywood liberals who continue to denounce Trump and not accept his presidency — also questioned whether the left is "nuts" on Twitter, as the Hollywood Reporter pointed out.Defending the American voter I'm yelled at in Sunset Tower for being a Trump apologist and colluding with Russia. Is the Left fucking NUTS?
— Bret Easton Ellis (@BretEastonEllis)
"Defending the American voter I'm yelled at in Sunset Tower for being a Trump apologist and colluding with Russia. Is the Left fucking NUTS?" Ellis tweeted Saturday night.
Prior to this outburst, he shared that he was at "another dinner with the Hollywood liberal establishment defending HRC, fake news, intersectionality, identity politics, PC virtue signaling."
Another dinner with the Hollywood liberal establishment defending HRC, fake news, intersectionality, identity politics, PC virtue signaling.
— Bret Easton Ellis (@BretEastonEllis)
Ellis has repeatedly criticized liberals who launch into histrionics over every Trump-related headline, saying recently on his podcast that lefties who won’t stop kvetching about Trump are letting his presidency define them.
Not having political discussions with anyone anymore. Done. Too much insanity. Another dinner ruined. People are fucking crazy. Get a grip.
— Bret Easton Ellis (@BretEastonEllis)
“You can dislike the fact that Trump was elected, yes, definitely, and yet still understand and accept ultimately that he was elected this time around. Or you can have a complete mental and emotional collapse and let the Trump presidency define you, which I think is absurd," said Ellis on one of his podcasts.”
Easton dedicated a whole podcast to criticizing what he calls the “moral superiority movement” in Hollywood:
You can listen below:
THE BEE PODCAST: the Moral Superiority Movement, the inability to deal with Trump, Hollywood breakdowns, Sam Outlaw:
— Bret Easton Ellis (@BretEastonEllis)