On Friday, Sweden became the latest European target of terrorism after a man plowed a hijacked beer delivery truck into a crowd in central Stockholm, killing five people and wounding more than a dozen (we covered the situation here: "Swedish Police In Manhunt For Terrorist Truck Driver Who Killed Five").
And while such attacks typically tend to unify populations in the common goal of hunting down, capturing and punishing the responsible assailants, that sense of camaraderie apparently doesn't apply in Sweden's so-called "no-go zones" which have become home to 1,000's of migrants flooding into Europe from Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East and Africa.
According to the Daily Mail, rather than help police arresting a suspect in Friday's horrendous attack, migrant residents of the suburb of Rinkeby apparently decided instead to pelt the arresting officers with rocks.
Police officers responding to the Stockholm terror atrocity were attacked by a gang of youths who pelted them with stones last night, Swedish policemen have said.
The attack happened last night near Rinkeby, part of the 'immigrant no-go zone' that gained notoriety when President Trump referred to it in a controversial speech in February.
It is thought that the officers were taking part in an operation to arrest a 17-year-old and his mother at an address linked to the 39-year-old prime suspect.
Meanwhile the attack was confirmed by Abdallah Ahmed via social media:
'During the night my colleagues were exposed to stone throwing in [the suburb of] Tensta, in the middle of an ongoing terror operation.
'Some people will never learn,' Abdallah Ahmed, a police officer, said in a social media post.
'To terror I want to say one thing, in pure Swedish: go to hell. My thoughts go to those affected in every way.'
Of course, Rinkeby is the Swedish town that drew international attention back in February after Trump highlighted it as a prime example of the unintended consequences of allowing 100,000s of migrants to flow into Europe. In light of Trump's comments, independent journalist Tim Pool decided to head to Stockholm for a first-hand look at the "crime-ridden migrant suburb" of Rinkeby. Unfortunately, upon arrival Pool didn't get to do much investigating before arousing the suspicion of a couple of masked men who proceeded to follow him through the streets eventually leading to his prompt police escort out of the city out of fear for his crew's safety.
Pool sent out the following tweets about the incident saying that around 2:30 in the afternoon "several men started masking up" and following his crew which prompted the police to escort his team out of town with the warning that “it would get really dangerous if we don’t leave Rinkeby.”
In Rinkeby, 2:30 PM, several men started masking up and following us. Police told us to leave and had to escort us to our car. pic.twitter.com/Tgm2eCSIaj
— Tim Pool (@Timcast)
We weren't filming anyone, we were just talking to police. They started getting nervous as men started masking up around us. pic.twitter.com/FVAXHrtJtK
— Tim Pool (@Timcast)
This '60 Minutes' crew got a similarly "warm welcome" from a couple of migrants when they visited Sweden on February 19th with the express goal of discrediting Trump's comments.
Irony at its finest: '60 Minutes' goes to Sweden to show how peaceful refugees are.. Entire crew gets assaulted by refugees!#SwedenIncident pic.twitter.com/7ZnCejuMFo
— Tennessee (@TEN_GOP)
In conclusion:
Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)