After reportedly setting off alarms in the White House after trying to enter the residence after she’d been sacked by Chief of Staff John Kelly, Omarosa Manigault Newman is threatening to go nuclear. In an interview with Good Morning America's Michael Strahan, Manigault Newman said there were a lot of things she was “very unhappy with” during her almost 12 months in the White House.
"I have to be very careful about how I answer this but there were a lot of things that I observed during the last year that I was very unhappy with, that I was very uncomfortable with, things that I observed, that I heard, that I listened to," she said.
After spending the entire interview denying reports about her rumored feud with Kelly and the involvement of the Secret Service in her removal from the White Wing, Manigault Newman abruptly switched gears, turning suddenly critical of her former colleagues.
“As the only African American woman in this White House…I’ve seen things that have affected me deeply and emotionally, that has affected my community and my people. And when I can tell my story it is a profound story that I know the people will want to hear."
Technically, Manigault Newman said her tenure at the White House doesn’t end until Jan. 20 – the first anniversary of Trump’s inauguration. Which means she survived the first year, at least on paper.
When asked about her reportedly threatening response to being fired, Manigault Newman denied the reports, saying they were the work of one journalist with a grudge.
She added that, if so many people witnessed her alleged confrontation with John Kelly, then where are the photos and video?
Like many Trump administration alumni, Manigault Newman insisted she resigned, while anonymous media reports claimed she had been fired, and the White House declined to specify. Manigault Newman explained that she resigned after raising certain unelaborated "concerns" with Kelly.
“I’m the only African American woman who sits at the table with the 30 assistants to the president and we all had to adjust to his militaristic style."
According to rumors reported in the mainstream press, Manigault Newman’s closeness with the president initially led to her having “walk in” privileges to the Oval Office. As part of his attempt to instill order on the chaotic West Wing, Kelly has been trying to circumscribe these privileges. His efforts reportedly brought him into conflict with Manigault Newman.
* * *
With Omarosa gone, we can add one more name to the list of high-profile Trump administration departures.
Sally Yates
Michael Flynn
Katie Walsh
Preet Bharara
James Comey
Michael Dubke
Walter Shaub
Mark Corralo
Sean Spicer
Micheal Short
Reince Priebus
Anthony Scaramucci
Steve Bannon
Sebastian Gorka
Tom Price
Omarosa Manigault Newman
* * *
Meanwhile, at least one person at the White House will miss the former reality TV show villain - even though many have said they didn't know what she did in her role, which was officially styled as communications director for the Office of Public Liason.
President Donald Trump marked Manigault Newman's departure with a goodbye tweet:
Thank you Omarosa for your service! I wish you continued success.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)