Around mid-November, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a shocking report detailing China’s gay conversion problem.
Powerful first-hand accounts expose how state-owned hospitals are using electric shock machines and medication to convert gays back to some form of 'normalcy'. The practice is an open secret in China, where a majority of gays are forced by their families into hospitals, because the culture labels it as a curable-disease.
Even the World Psychiatric Association has come out denouncing the practice as “unethical, unscientific and harmful”.
It’s been rumored that prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have received better treatment than those in China, who have been put through the conversion process.
With that being said, the Chinese knew the rest of the world was going to figure out about the inhuman treatments to literally shock the gay out of you; and so, back in 2015, the Government approved a research team at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou to study the effects of spraying oxytocin up the noses of homosexual men to see how it affects their sexual orientation.
Oxytocin has been best known for its roles in the female reproduction system. Recently, scientist have been investigating oxytocin’s role in various behaviors including, orgasm, social recognition, bonding, and maternal behaviors. The article says it’s also known as the ‘love hormone’ or the ‘cuddle hormone’ because levels of oxytocin are increased during hugs and orgasms. Oxytocin’s connection in love and sexuality is not well understood, which spurred the scientist’s two years clinical, to spray the natural hormone up gay men’s noses.
Darius Longarino, a senior fellow at Yale Law School’s Paul Tsai China Center, indicated on Twitter, the 2-year study is in the final stages and results should be out by the end of December.
Zhejiang University researchers are spraying oxytocin up gay men’s noses to study its effects on their sexual orientation. Researcher once told activist 30–40% “have changed.” The study ends next month—let’s be on the lookout for any “results.”
— Darius Longarino ??? (@DariusLongarino)
On the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry website, the study states the objective of the trial: “the feature of brain activity and social gender cognition in male homosexuals, and how oxytocin affects them.” In pursuit of these objectives, 20 volunteers were chosen at random. Among other things, the volunteers had to be right-handed, aged 18-40, and have “complete male homosexuality.”
Researches then conducted a blind study with 20 test subjects who were divided into two groups. One group had oxytocin sprayed up their nose, while the others used a placebo saline solution.
According to the article, the study began in October 2015 and is now in the latter stage of completion.
The study began in October 2015 after being approved by an ethics committee and is set to end at the end of this year. Subjects are being measured on the Kinsey Scale, the Klein scale, through gender cognitive tests and functional magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, and by testing their blood pressure. Hu Shaohua, the deputy director of the Department of Psychiatry at the Zhejiang University School of Medicine, is in charge of the study.
Further, the article notes,
Sup China’s Jiayun Feng notes that the study generated quite a bit of controversy upon its initial posting on the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry earlier this year after it was discovered that on the space in the form for “target disease,” someone had written “male homosexual.”
The experiment has since been redefined as a “basic study,” not one intended to cure a disease, eliminating the need to fill in that blank.
And we’re curious to see what they find out. Back in 2015, researchers at Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico found that they were able to induce a conditioned homosexual preference in male rats by giving them oxytocin and the psychoactive drug quinpirole.
At the very least, it seems likely that one group of men had a much better time these last few years than the other group. A 2013 study found that taking oxytocin before lovemaking makes for a much more intense orgasm and feeling of satisfaction, particulary for men.
And perhaps, the chart above identifies why China’s government is racing to find the most humane method in gay conversions, as the gender gap is about to take the next leg up similar to the 1980’s through the mid-2000’s widening. Anti-gay spray seems to be the communist regimes solution to combat homosexuality.