A top executive at the Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA), Steven Fabrizio, has been arrested by Metropolitan Police Department detectives over allegations of "rape and blackmail," according to a police report obtained by Breitbart and confirmed by Vanity Fair.
Fabrizio, who has been fired, served as the top lawyer (General Counsel) to the group which represents Hollywood's interests on Capitol Hill.
He was charged Saturday in Washington D.C. and subsequently fired. Fabrizio and his accuser reportedly met on a "suggar daddy" dating website, after which the two had consensual sex once on August 19 - for which he paid her $400. After that, she would not see him again - which kicked off a flurry of text messages from Fabrizio which turned into threats to expose her if she didn't comply."I know where you live," the MPAA lawyer aallegedly wrote, adding. "I know where you work. Don’t think — Hospital would be happy to know that it’s young nurses are having sexual for money / Same for your landlord."
The woman says Fabrizio's threats left her no choice but to have sex with him again, according to the affidavit - after which he then threatened to tell her parents if she didn't continue to put out.
It was then that she called the police.
After what the detectives describe as a series of encounters between the woman and Fabrizio, which she claims she attempted to end multiple times, the report says she called the police for help. The report then describes messages sent by the woman to Fabrizio that “were largely composed and sent in consultation with members of the Metropolitan Police Department.”
Detectives then orchestrated Mr. Fabrizio’s arrest outside the woman’s home. -Breitbart
And MPAA spokesperson said of the charges, "if true, are both shocking and intolerable to the association. We had no prior knowledge of this behavior before these charges were publicly filed."