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Singer and songwriter Joy Villa made waves in February when she showed up to the 2017 Grammy awards in a controversial “MAGA” dress, shocking the music industry and gaining international attention as a Trump supporter. Villa’s sudden conversion from liberalism to the MAGA movement left many scratching their heads.
Last week, Villa teased a foray into politics – telling Fox News that she’s looking at a potential run for congress in Florida, California or New York.
Since her ‘
I'm so proud to announce I'm OFFICIALLY a member of the Advisory Board for President Trump's Campaign! ?????????????
— Joy Villa (@Joy_Villa)
Given Villa’s seemingly overnight transition into a Trump supporting minority in the liberal-dominated music industry, many – such as the folks behind and musician Vinnie James who brought Villa’s contradictory positions to light over Twitter, have questioned the authenticity of her ‘conversion’ to the Trump train – pointing to a stack of evidence suggesting she’s actually a chameleon who reinvented herself as a conservative in order to capture a new demographic. The shift is indeed dramatic, and many suggesting she’s simply an opportunist have taken to Twitter with the hashtag #JoyVillaExposed.
Let’s take a look at some of the key points of contention with Mrs. Villa’s sudden shift to the right:
Election night liberal activism
Villa called Trump a “Crazy” candidate the night of the election, while retweeting President Obama and Democrat Congresswoman Karen Bass telling people, ostensibly Democrats, to go out and vote:
If you don't like the two crazy candidates running, write in or vote for the OTHER 3 on the ballot! Don't dismiss...
— Joy Villa (@Joy_Villa)
President Trump shot off a similar “
Villa called Trump supporters stupid in a deleted tweet
Villa loved Obama – even appearing in a video for his 2012 reelection campaign
Just did a cameo in an #Obama campaign music video for Upheaval Films out of Miami! #Timessquare
— Joy Villa (@Joy_Villa)
So cool to be in Manila during #APEC2015. Trying to get a selfie with #PresidentObama and @MichelleObama ;-) <3 @BarackObama @POTUS
— Joy Villa (@Joy_Villa)
@BarackObama Rock it Mr. Prez!
— Joy Villa (@Joy_Villa)
Villa deleted a March 2016 tweet accusing the Trump campaign of photoshopping a clothing model to look black:
Intergalactic warlord Xenu or Jesus Christ?
Villa, an ardent Scientologist, tweeted On November 5, 2016 “I’m clear!!” – a reference to a level one can achieve within the religion’s complicated hierarchy.
One of the greatest moments of my life...I'm Clear!! #singer #artist #scientologist #actress #spirtualgangster...
— Joy Villa (@Joy_Villa)
In a nutshell, Scientology – created by Sci-Fi author L. Ron Hubbard, teaches that Xenu – dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy,” solved an interplanetary overpopulation problem by traveling around in his spaceship collecting souls called ‘thetans,’ which he then deposited in volcanoes on Earth 75 million years ago before blowing them up with H-bombs – releasing the souls. As a result, all humans born on Earth are ‘infected’ with thetans and must rid themselves of them through Scientology.
What Scientologists DON’T believe in, is non-approved beliefs – in any way, shape, or form – and followers are expected to give up other religions.
Exhibit A: scientology told the IRS people were expected to give up other religions
— Str8 Up ???????????? (@str8upandvert)
You cannot believe in God if you are a Scientologist. Scientologists pretend they can believe in other things to deceive the public.
— Leah Remini (@LeahRemini)
Meanwhile, Villa has been making very pro-Christian comments all over the place, and held a prayer session at Trump’s hotel in DC.
Maybe her political strategist had something to do with it?
Joy Villa's political strategist, like Joy, is a Scientologist, but VERY high level. And here she's got us believing she's a Christian. ????-VJ
— RealVinnieJames (@RealVinnieJames)
ATTENTION: My beef with Joy Villa isn't about her religion. It's about how she HID Scientology and POSED as Christian. That's DECEPTION! -VJ
— RealVinnieJames (@RealVinnieJames)
Some believe Villa’s MAGA transition was a ploy for the Church of Scientology to expand their reach:
The motive of the #MAGA dress...and we all bit!
Shes a FRAUDexcerpt from this article
??— ???????????????????????????? 2.0???? (@DaMama59)
BLM or Blue Lives Matter?
Villa was using a #blm hashtag the day after the 2016 election, while she used the #blacktheblue hashtag on Halloween. She explained the shift in a Wednesday tweett, saying she supported Black Lives Matter “until they started killing Cops.”
Except that Micah Xavier Johnson, who murdered five police officers at a Black Lives Matter protest, carried out his rampage in July, 2016 – four months before Villa endorsed the group.
Nine days later on July 17, 2016, three Baton Rouge police officers were killed and three more wounded in an ambush said to have been ‘incited and encouraged’ by prominent BLM leaders.
Did Villa lie about her age?
Wikipedia lists Villa as 26 years old – born April 25, 1991, however Villa claims she’s 31:
I've talked about it many times, and it's been on my Wiki for years. I've never denied anything, never will. Also wiki lies I'm 31 ????
— Joy Villa (@Joy_Villa)
What’s strange are several posts Villa made in 2016 featuring a picture of a birthday cake inscribed ‘Happy 25th’ – which would make her 26, the age Wikipedia lists.
,@Joy_Villa celebrated her "25th" birthday last year at her "second home", the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre. Blame wiki? #MAGA
— No One ???????? (@tweettruth2me)
Villa’s husband is an eccentric liberal Scientologist
While opposites may attract, Villa’s husband – 52 year old Danish photographer and Scientologist Thorsten Overgaard is a giant liberal – flying out to the Faroe islands to chase Bill Clinton around in the hopes of a “Clinton coffee moment” – settling for a handshake.
The moment we all dream of is the “Clinton coffee moment,” because that was what he did when he visited Copenhagen years ago as the President.
Clinton looks at me, I look at him, I look at his hand. I shake hands with Clinton. His handshake is comfortable, professional. It’s not hard. It’s kind of soft but firm. Thorsten Overgaard–
Apparently feeling the heat over her liberal past, Villa
To summarize: Villa was conservative, then she wasn’t, then she supported Bernie, then a friend turned her on to Trump. To cap it off, Villa says “I’m not a longtimer but Im loyal”
I kno I popped out of nowhere as MAGA, I wasn't in my PAST. That may have scared sum. I'm not a longtimer but Im loyal & appreciate u all??
— Joy Villa (@Joy_Villa)
It’s been reported that Villa has been buying Twitter followers after losing support in recent days.
Why is @Joy_Villa adding fake followers? This morning she was at 159.7k in last couple hours she's gained over 6,000! #JoyVillaTheCon
— Dustin ???????? (@DustinSnider)
This is what fake followers look like.... bought and paid for! #Busted
— RewindMyLife (@love4_heart)
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