By EconMatters

We pay attention when people shut down manufacturing plants, and GM and Ford are doing this very act, we discuss the implications for the industry and overall economy in this video. We told investors that a lot of dogshit stocks are being moved up in this rally.
Maybe we have sold too many vehicles since the financial crisis and the auto industry is in for some deep pain in 2017 with a glut in vehicle inventories right now?
Time will tell, but definitely something to pay attention towards as nobody sees recessions, not the Federal Reserve, not Economists, and definitely not the Stock Market, they are always the last to know of an impending recession until it smacks them in the face for months, i.e., the sub prime housing bubble.Right now nobody thinks their shit stinks in financial markets, I have news for you, there are a lot of stinking stocks out in the market right now that are going to lose a lot of value over the next 5 years! 99 percent of people who are so called experts that go on television have no idea what they are talking about, and over 70 percent of market professionals who manage money for a living, you know "professionals" are completely incompetent and have no clue where market assets should be priced.
The standards for this profession are so low compared to the fields of physics, engineering, and mathematical professions. Basically, a bunch of used car salesman types in comparison to those minds.

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