The Trump economic utopia is officially dead for now.
If you’ll recall, following Trump’s election, the market was lead higher by banks.
The reason?
The markets believed that the economy would come roaring back, lending would pick up, and bank profits would soar.
Well, the economy has NOT come roaring back.
In fact, it’s rolled over and flatlined. Even the Fed’s own GDP now measure shows GDP growth BELOW 1%.And now bank stocks are collapsing as well…
You can ignore this if you like. But where banks go… the market goes. And the banks are now going DOWN.
This is a major warning to stock investors to be extra careful. Now more than ever is a time to be nimble and preparing to make money from a market “event.”
For insights on how to play this, swing by
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research