Authored by Alex Thomas via,
A controversial Drexel University professor, who is already suspended from campus over comments he made following the Las Vegas Massacre, is now arguing that the recent Texas church shooting was specifically caused by “whiteness” while also attacking news outlets who reported on his previous disgusting comments about the attack in Vegas.
In an interview with the left-wing show Democracy Now!, professor George Ciccariello-Maher once again shared his disgust for all white people while specifically pinning the blame for the church attack on the existence of whiteness itself.
“Whiteness is never seen as a cause, in and of itself, of these kinds of massacres,” Ciccariello-Maher said before adding, “despite the fact that whiteness is a structure of privilege and it’s a structure of power, and a structure that, when it feels threatened, you know, lashes out.”
The discussion, titled “What Makes White Men So Prone to This Kind of Behavior?”, then goes into a sort of rant about the dangers of white people feeling vilified which apparently causes them to conduct mass shootings.
Ciccariello-Maher was previously suspended from campus for a series of Tweets that blamed white people in general for the horrific Las Vegas attack.
It’s the white supremacist patriarchy, stupid.
— George Ciccariello (@ciccmaher)
But liberals will drown out all discourse with a deafening chorus screeching “gun control.”
— George Ciccariello (@ciccmaher)
To believe that someone who would shoot down 50 people wouldn’t circumvent any gun law you pass is the height of delusion.
— George Ciccariello (@ciccmaher)
White people and men are told that they are entitled to everything. This is what happens when they don’t get what they want.
— George Ciccariello (@ciccmaher)
The narrative of white victimization has been gradually built over the past 40 years.
— George Ciccariello (@ciccmaher)
It is the spinal column of Trumpism, and most extreme form is the white genocide myth.
— George Ciccariello (@ciccmaher)
Yesterday was a morbid symptom of what happens when those who believe they deserve to own the world also think it is being stolen from them.
— George Ciccariello (@ciccmaher)
Amazingly, Ciccariello-Maher has a history of attacking white people, having spent the last few years publicly doing so in a number of ways. In 2016, for example, the admittedly communist professor openly called for white genocide on Christmas.
You truly can’t make this stuff up folks...
As I reported for Intellihub at the time,
“A white professor of political science at Philadelphia’s Drexel University has publicly called for white genocide on Christmas.”
“The openly Communist professor, George Ciccariello-Maher, has caused a massive uproar with his late Christmas Eve Tweet calling for what could amount to the murder of untold millions of people.”
Ciccariello-Maher later went on to not only double down his calls for genocide, but also attack American Veterans – all the while being supported by the likes of