Authored by Greg Hunter via,
Private investor Gordon Long contends the price of gold will shock the world when it revalues to reflect the massive amount of currency that has been printed globally.
Long explains,
“That is correct, and it won’t be something that is gradual, it will be very abrupt.
The system will break... and the financial markets will freeze up.
When they come out of the other end of that freeze, and it may be a number of weeks because the next crisis will be global and much more complex than 2008. We could control that with the Federal Reserve . . . and this one you cannot do because you cannot get agreement with all those countries. Never mind understanding the complexity.
So, when we come out on the other side . . . there will be a massive revaluation in the U.S. dollar. . . . Gold could jump to $5,000 or $10,000 an ounce or something like that. . . . It will be massive.
They will have to put some stability in the monetary system, and the only way they can do it is having something they cannot print. This is what has gotten us into this problem. We have to get back to sound money. It will have to be gold. What percentage of backing will determine what the value the gold will be.”
On the value of the U.S. dollar, Long contends,
“Personally, I think the revaluation of the U.S. dollar will be well over 70% devaluation. It doesn’t mean the world is coming to an end. It just means you have to go through this to reset.
Those who prepare and understand why this is happening and watch for the signals, there’s going to be fortunes transferred. They are being transferred right now, frankly. One other big caveat on gold prices going way up, expect the government to tax it like you have never seen before.”
Long says the stock market hitting one all-time high after another, despite all the economic headwinds, shows the public is in a “delusional phase.”
The latest nuclear war threat from North Korea shows the extreme delusion going on, and Long contends,
“This is about as clear of an example as you are going to get. This is more serious than the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the fact the market has not even blinked during this tells you we no longer know how to price risk. It’s not being priced correctly. . . . It’s almost pure speculation at this point, and maybe straight out gambling.”
When is it all going to come crashing down? Long predicts,
“I think there is a scare coming this fall. That scare will allow central banks to start more quantitative easing and other programs.
They will be guaranteeing the markets and guaranteeing assets because they can’t have this pension system collapse, and it’s all in the stock market. I think we are talking about the spring of next year.” (When it all totally implodes.)
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with investor Gordon Long, founder of