Oh boy...
Senior writer for Newsweek, contributing editor for Vanity Fair, and MSNBC contributor Kurt Eichenwald was caught red handed Wednesday night after posting a screenshot to Twitter which happened to include several open tabs in his browser...
Users on 4chan noticed the tabs immediately and ENHANCED
And what did that lead to? Why - Japanese tentacle porn (Hentai)!
Kurt's response
"I was looking up tentacle porn with my kid in order to prove to my wife it exists..."
Even if true, looking up tentacle porn with your adult child is beyond creepy.
Tucker's on the case...
Tucker Carlson, who presided over Eichenwald's "self immolation" last december as a guest of Tucker Carlson Tonight, couldn't resist covering the latest in the saga of Kurt Eichenwald.
"Well of course! Just another afternoon of surfing the internet for hardcore porn with your kids!" -Tucker
VIDEO HERE (sorry for quality, will update):
Tucker Carlson worried about Kurt Eichenwald for surfing tentacle porn hentai with his kid. pic.twitter.com/CZaVAbdfSM
— ZeroPointNow (@ZeroPointNow)
Reactions have been hilarious
— Rodin (@DatRodin)
You have good taste, Kurt pic.twitter.com/VkoorNmRAO
— Kurt's Anime Tiddies (@AnimeKurt)
— Silas Smith (@SiFitheguySmith)