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Thai Authorities Face Blowback After Nationwide PornHub Ban

Thai Authorities Face Blowback After Nationwide PornHub Ban Tyler Durden Thu, 11/05/2020 - 19:20

Thailand's Digital Economy and Society Minister Buddhipongse Punnakanta, did the unthinkable Monday, he banned Pornhub and 190 URL addresses of porn sites, prompting outrage among the younger generation Tuesday, reported Reuters

Punnakanta ordered internet service providers and mobile phone operators to ban porn sites for violating Thailand's Computer Crime Act. 

The ban comes one week after Deputy Prime Minister, Prawit Wongsuwan, said that swift action would be taken against porn sites encouraging young people to engage in "improper" behavior, Thai Examiner noted.  

Thailand Pornhub users were greeted with the message Monday night: "This content has been suspended. Because it is guilty according to the Computer Crime Act 2007 by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society.

Pornhub and or other popular porn sites were not available for viewing as of Tuesday afternoon. 

Reuters, citing Pornhub stats, said Thai users, on average, spent 11 minutes and 21 seconds last year on the website, which was more time than anywhere else in the world. 

The website's ban could be problematic for Pornhub because Bangkok, Thailand's capital, was its 10th largest market. 

Google Search trends of "Pornhub" in the country have spread like an epidemic over the last three years.

Dozens of Pornhub supporters gathered at government buildings on Tuesday to erect signs and voice their opinion about the site's shuttering. 

One activist group called Anonymous Party said: "We want to reclaim Pornhub. People are entitled to choices."

Pornhub protesters were seen holding signs saying "free Pornhub" and "reclaim Pornhub."  

Thai Enquirer translates the signs held by protesters. One sign said: "Every evening there's a horny person - find them." Another sign said: "Do not hurt the lonely by blocking their entrance." 

People in Thailand were not happy about the government blocking the porn site. 

More scenes from the protest. 

As soon as the ban went into effect, Virtual Private Networks ("VPN") searches from within the country erupted. VPNs are used to help people circumnavigate censorship. 

There is chatter on Twitter about a "Pornhub Spring" in Thailand. 

"Turning off the porn site makes anything better?" one protester asks.

He continued: "Can close any website Why not close the gambling website?

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