One day after the NY Post issued its shortest ever editorial on the topic of "Trump's tweets", writing just three words: “Stop. Just Stop"...
Editorial: The Post's take on Trump's tweet
— New York Post (@nypost)
... and which came on the heels of Trump’s latest Twitter controversy, where the president targeted MSNBC’s Morning Joe hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough for their coverage of the president and his administration, saying Scarborough was a “psycho” and Brzezinski “crazy” before going on to claim that Mika was “bleeding badly from a face lift” when she was at his Florida resort around New Year’s 2016, it appears that Trump has again ignored the advice, and in a burst of angry tweets, the president has doubled down by not only targeting Morning Joe's Mika, whom he called "dumb as a rock", but also commenting on the unexpected departure of Greta van Susteren from MSNBC, and perhaps less surprisingly, the ongoing CNN "fake news" fall out, which in his latest twitter rant he called "garbage."
It all started off politely enough, withTrump wishing "Happy Canada Day to all of the great people of Canada and to your Prime Minister and my new found friend @JustinTrudeau. #Canada150"
Happy Canada Day to all of the great people of Canada and to your Prime Minister and my new found friend @JustinTrudeau. #Canada150
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
However, things quickly went downhill from there, with Trump first speculating on the reason for Van Susteren's depature, saying "Word is that @Greta Van Susteren was let go by her out of control bosses at @NBC & @Comcast because she refused to go along w/ 'Trump hate!'"
Word is that @Greta Van Susteren was let go by her out of control bosses at @NBC & @Comcast because she refused to go along w/ 'Trump hate!'
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
He next lashed out at CNN, again, saying "I am extremely pleased to see that @CNN has finally been exposed as #FakeNews and garbage journalism. It's about time!"
I am extremely pleased to see that @CNN has finally been exposed as #FakeNews and garbage journalism. It's about time!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Before finally taking aim, for the second time in three days, at the Morning Joe hosts: "Crazy Joe Scarborough and dumb as a rock Mika are not bad people, but their low rated show is dominated by their NBC bosses. Too bad!"
Crazy Joe Scarborough and dumb as a rock Mika are not bad people, but their low rated show is dominated by their NBC bosses. Too bad!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Trump's Saturday tweetstorm may or may not be over, but it is sure to provoke more protests about unpresidential and/or improper language - by both democrats and republicans - from Trump, which in turn demonstrates that the president intends to continue defying the "proper" protocols of appropriate behavior. What his strategy is by doing so, if of course there is one, remains unclear.