Intro by Vince Lanci
via the Soren K. Group at
The Next Revolution is already Happening
Over the past few weeks, I've had the pleasure of meeting the next revolutionaries in the democratization of money. This was while looking to understand better the guts of the blockchain tech and how it differed from crypto to crypto.
I had the pleasure of meeting with and speaking to several people involved with Bitshares and those involved at the periphery with Arisebank. During that time, by coincidence, Arisebank was in the process of doing the deal described in the headline. And I was able to look through the glass at this event where people were ,to my eye, looking to facilitate the transition from intellectual ideas to applications in reality. That is what Capitalism is in part about. Providing a service that fills a need and makes it easier which gets you paid. Not making a dollar and being apathetic if the service actually helped someone. Free market capitalism allows for new ideas to make it (or not) on their own merits. That is what I saw. The potential for self-clearing markets to reassert themselves and for money to get to where it is needed most without incumbent toll booth operators throttling ideas fortheri own benefit.I saw people who will make a bundle of money by adding value to a system in need of overhaul. i spoke wit ha few on a guarantee of anonymity. One key person said to me in response ot me pointed question that blockchain is the beginning, Bitcoin may be the early pioneer, but like the Palm pilot, it was replaced by better tech. Why wed yourself to Blockchain?:
"Look, the tech is evolving, and we are already looking at how Quantum computing will make different types of tech more palatable than blockchain. I agree with you. In a few years at most, something better will come along. And that is a good thing. Because the goal here is to use these new tools to remove the friction in all things that prevents ideas from getting their chance to make it or not on their own merits. If you ( he was addressing me directly here) have an idea that will make a market more efficient and serve the greater good, I want to hear about it. Because now, I can help you get it into "production" much easier because of what we can do."
My response was: Sure, I feel intermediaries in general that do not add value need to be removed. Frankly, I feel Precious metals producers' have been victims of their own ignorance for years. As a result they are captive clients to intermediaries who tell them when to hedge in order to maintain their credit line. Meanwhile those same firms that manage the producer's banking, LOC, ISDAs, and production hedging are making money not just from those services, but on the prop-side of being able to benefit from the natural sell order flow captive producers provide. This is too much friction from production to user. It's like a poorly connected pipeline slows waterflow"
His response was simple:
"Exactly. And we are already working with someone who is working on solving that problem right now. You should connect with them. "
And in 24 hours I was involved in a pressure cooker with a couple geniuses having conceptual discussions on how to use the available tech to make more precious metals distribution from producer to end user more efficient. The point is, the man quoted above was all about making it happen. And it likely will if the people I'm now talking with and learning from get their wish. i hope to be sharing more on this topic soon. Moving on to the event at hand today.
Better Money Needs a Better Banking Model
If money is the life blood of capitalism, then banks are the valves that control the flow of that blood. In this way, traditional banks can sometimes make errors in allocation of investment capital, errors in custodial trust, and due to their centralized “gatekeeper” status have a Fed sponsored franchise that can be a deterrent to efficient, free markets. If you had the time to listen to my podcast yesterday on this topic you can see where I was coming from in light of today's events.
This is actually why crypto currencies are vulnerable. They are not regarded as money officially, like Gold is not anymore either . They are also in the process of being regulated via futures listing and “crackdowns” to protect us so we are told; also what happened to precious metals.
There are many of them, and this fragmentation itself has risk that comes with its promise of economic freedom. Many will not make it. And they exist outside the banking network.
But what happens if a crypto (or all crypto currencies) gets access to the circulatory system itself? What happens when a cryptocurrency, due to Blockchain’s distributed ledger accounting tech, obviates the need for those custodial trustee valves that exist like manned toll booths when ez pass exist? They unionize in a panic to protect their jobs. That is what happens. And that has begun.
To digress a second, we actually pay to get access to our money now. Cash Remember the advent of the ATM? It was heralded as a cost reducer for banks and a convenience for the client. Now, it is a profit center where people frequently are charged to get their money. This is basically cash trading at a discount to digital cash. You are paying the bank money to use your money in private transactions . But Quick-Pay, in which they monitor all cash use and collect data from, is free; for now.
Supply Side Scalability is No Longer a Viable Business Model in a World Without Scarcity. Demand Side's Network Effect Model Is
Banking’s centralized method of “service” which at one time was necessary for orderly and counter-party trustworthiness in markets, has either outlived itself or become easily abused in its use. The trust resided in the person who did the custodial duties. Their supply side-market structure based on scalability, key to the industrial revolution, is no longer the most efficient. Scarcity is not the problem anymore. Distribution is. And that means another business model applies more efficiently. It is the demand side market structure model based on the network effect. And to implement that, we need a better way of mitigating counterparty trust that removes the human element and bottleneck that comes along with its centralized systems.
Traditional brick and mortar centralized Banking, like every industry before it, is jeopardized by the most important concept behind the current disruptive technological movement: decentralization. The problem with decentralization for banking until the advent of Crypto and blockchain tech is: it was not compatible with mitigating counterparty risk. Therefore a centralized authority was needed. Distributed ledger accounting tech removes the need for a central custodial trustee to protect you from counter-party risk. This is what tech geeks say when they refer to a "trustless" transaction. They mean; there is no need for a human to verify the authenticity of the deal. The trust is verified at its DNA level so to speak.
The Bank Teller's Revenge
When they fired the tellers it was a good thing for everyone but the tellers. What happens when the credit officers are not needed in a few years? What happens when those technologies that banks use to lower costs actually replace their revenue streams like Letters of Credit, banking fees and other overpriced franchises? White collar people get fired, that's what happens. Credit lawyers alongside operations managers. The corporation will triage every extremity it has to, to continue to perpetuate its own incumbent authority and existence. It could get very weird. Call it the Teller's Revenge if it plays out as it could.
The replacement is not crypto per-se; it is Crypto , Gold, Fiat, or anything that people agree is money but in a decentralized system where perfect money (whatever that may be) can exist in a perfect banking system. One that does not need to violate privacy to ensure custodial trust anymore.
Centralized Clearing will be less needed like centralized execution was obviated before it by things like Globex. Electronic trading platforms removed the need for Central Limit Order Books (CLOBberred Clients) in commodities. CLOBs were comprised of resting orders entrusted by clients and handled by their bankers who traded both principle and agency. This was how the Gold , Silver and LiBor Fixes were run, and we now know how that worked out.
Specifically, a decentralized crypto-exchange that operates network across the borders of nation states on combination with decentralized bank with FDIC approval? Globalism without centralization, organically better for all and a remover of walls for the flow of free capital would be possible. Enter Arisebank in partnership with Bitshares..
- Vince Lanci
contact Vince at
Cryptocurrency Bank AriseBank To Acquire FDIC-Insured Bank; Partners With BitShares.
Written by Michael Taggart at Huffington post
Arise Bank offers a myriad of services to consumers looking for a banking alternative.
Dallas, TX —- AriseBank announced that they have reached an agreement with an FDIC insured bank, that has been operating in the United States for over a century, that they will acquire them before the end of the year. This comes on the heels of their record ICO launch, where AriseBank plans to raise one billion dollars, which would end up being a record in the ICO investment space.
“We are very excited to be at the forefront of history today. We feel like this was going to happen eventually and wanted to get the process started for the industry as a whole. There are certain people who may disagree with this move but, it has to happen eventually. The bank we are acquiring has hundreds of banking partnerships across the world and many certifications and licenses that make sense when it comes to interacting with our decentralized cryptocurrency platform”, said Jared Rice Sr., a co-founder and current CEO of AriseBank.
Arise Bank is the worlds first decentralized bank.
With this acquisition, AriseBank, the world’s first decentralized cryptocurrency bank, now has the full financial capabilities of traditional banking coupled with the power and platform of real-time crypto-banking including a global network of ATM’s, debit cards and an AI trading platform.
“The world’s first federally compliant, decentralized bank invites visionary strategic partners from all countries”, said Eddy Taylor a BitShares partner and a current advisor to AriseBank. “Arise features will include quantum computer-safe operating systems, multi-crypto debit cards, cell to satellite global outreach and much more”, he said.
Also included in the acquisition is a 25-year old investment bank that Arise plans on converting to a crypto-investment house for consumers around the world. “We plan on growing investor confidence outside of our decentralized platform, which will enable many other outside services in areas like real estate, among many others on a global scale.
Bitshares DEX is the worlds first decentralized cryptocurrency exchange.
This acquisition is happening concurrently with the announcement of a strategic partnership with BitShares, the world’s busiest financial blockchain as seen on AriseBank, the first decentralized bank is teaming with BitShares, the first decentralized exchange to provide a comprehensive platform for real-time delivery of incorruptible financial products and services.
BitShares (BTS), with a market cap of $680M, is also a smart coin factory with hundreds of innovative financial products and compliant ICO offerings. It currently holds the record for over one million blockchain transactions per day dwarfing the performance of Bitcoin and all other blockchain networks. BitShares has in turn, teamed with the United Precious Metals Association (UPMA) to bring real-time metal-backed digital currencies into the mainstream.
Gold and Silver can be used as legal tender in many states in the US, and other countries around the world.
The combined strengths of a conventional bank + decentralized bank + decentralized exchange + smart coin factory + gold depository + enterprise integrator makes the first full service alternative financial system to offer honest money and a level the playing field for all mankind.
For more information contact:
Eddy Taylor (310) 940-2404 or visit
John 469-71-ARISE or visit