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Last night Bill Kristol called out Tucker Carlson for discussing the very real issue of removing monuments of all American forefathers who once owned slaves, saying that Tucker was attempting to rationalize slavery and then later suggested he'd rationalize anti-semitism.
They started by rationalizing Trump. They ended by rationalizing slavery.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol)
Next: Luther, Voltaire and Marx were anti-Jewish. So why's it a big deal that the marchers were chanting, "Jews will not replace us?"
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol)
If you watched the segment, all Tucker did was pose a very serious question, which I duplicated here that drew the ire of several residents.
Should we remove the monuments of anyone who once owned slaves?
Tucker responded last night, calling out Kristol for being 'glued to social media like a slot machine junkie in Reno. He added that he had once worked for Kristol for 5 years and 'a generally smart guy' and a good boss, who was humane and intelligent.
Tucker then asked, 'what happened?'
'Hysteria has supplanted rational debate, where the purpose of political argument is to no longer explain your beliefs, but to highlight what a morally upstanding person you are, what a virtuous guy you are, usually by contrast of your opponent, who is by definition, evil. It's childish, obviously -- but for many people it's pretty tempting. Even 64 year old men with Harvard degrees fall for it, apparently.
Tucker believes, 'part of the problem is also the medium.' He criticized the fact that Bill no longer thinks things through like he used to, when he was the editor at The Weekly Standard.
'Now he just goes on Twitter and he stays on Twitter, all day, every day -- dashing off little thoughts and impressions, scoring tiny little points against strangers in cyberspace -- keeping obsessive track of his likes and retweets. At an age where he could be spending his time with his grandchildren, Kristol is glued to social media like a slot machine junkie in Reno.'