A few thoughts as we head into the election outcome, more can be seen at Trader Scott's Market Blog:
"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it." - George Orwell.
“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.” - Lewis Carroll from "Alice in Wonderland".Maybe George Costanza was on to something after all: If you love your country and your fellow Americans and you wish to see minority communities thrive, then you are a racist. If you have promoted your daughter to run your own company, then you are a misogynist. If you love vivacious, sexy, actual women and you enjoy their "companionship", then you hate females. But if you have an Adam's Apple, your workouts are much more impressive than your husband's, and you have some strange protuberance in your pants, then you are celebrated as being a beautiful, graceful modern woman. If you vote, then you're officially a citizen. If you are against a health care scheme which has zero % chance of ever succeeding, and you believe it will be a total disaster, then you are a racist. If you despise a President who just happens to be black (sorry, African American), yet you also despised his melanin deficient (aka white boy) predecessor, then you are a racist. If your election bus basically takes a dump on the side of the road into a storm drain and the Hazmat team is called, then you're an environmentalist icon. If you oppose a 200 year old Hungarian Jew former hedge manager, who is literally attempting to control the world, then you are a racist, sexist, gay hater. If you believe we have ended both the age of modern central banking, along with the complete faith in central bankers being able to "protect" us from what economics, markets, and supply/demand "want" to actually do, then you are ridiculed by the smart class as being a tin foil hat wearing moron who is clueless regarding how a modern digital based economy functions. If you are once again extremely bullish on gold (as of December 2015), then you are called a gold bug idiot, thus you are clueless regarding how a modern digital based economy functions. If you find it hypocritical to point out that the same people who love rap music lyrics are the same ones who can't handle the word "pussy", then you are a racist. If you are a woman, who is not voting for Hillary, then you hate women, and you are promoting the rape culture among angry white males.
And lastly, if you truly believe everyone should be treated equally regardless of wealth, stature, celebrity, power, influence, and connections, then actually yes, in this case, it is your duty as an American citizen to HATE Hillary Clinton.